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Glossop North End ask Northern Premier League to reconsider restart decision

Glossop North End say they have written to the Northern Premier League to urge reconsideration of the planned restart to the season this month.

Earlier this week the Northern Premier League announced that clubs can resume playing matches from 19th December where both clubs agree.

A statement from the club said:

“Glossop North End does not support the planned restart of the Northern Premier League season on the 19th or 26th December under current circumstances. Whilst we note that lobbying has enabled 200 home supporters to attend fixtures hosted by clubs in T3, sadly, we still don’t see this as being a financially viable plan, even in the short-term.

“Following liaison with Derbyshire County Council and Derbyshire Police, we are being told that whilst in T3, we cannot open our clubhouse / bar environment, even as a takeaway. If other pubs and food outlets can do takeaway, we shall challenge the council along with our local MP and encourage them to spell out why we are being treated differently.

“With no secondary matchday income apart from limited gate receipts, predictions suggest the club will suffer heavy weekly operating losses, even in a best-case scenario, under these conditions. GNE does not see how it should be expected to finance this loss week in, week out for an indefinite amount of time whilst the threat of further lockdowns after Christmas is still present, and cases continue to rise in Derbyshire and the High Peak.

“We have written to the Northern Premier League, asking them to reconsider this decision. Whilst we all want football back as soon as possible for a multitude of reasons, GNE believes this should not compromise the member clubs of the NPL in such a way that threatens their financial stability.”

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