Football Trade Directory

We help the Midland Football League to success

Normally in our news items we publish news from clubs, suppliers and sponsors alike.

For a change we thought we’d blow our own trumpet a bit and tell you about the success we have had with the Midland Football League.

We met the Midland Football League board members back in January and had no hesitation in agreeing to help them find new partners.

Like many clubs and leagues, the pandemic saw many partnerships and sponsorships go by the wayside for various reasons. The Midland Football League suffered like many others on that score.

Using our extensive network, we have been able to help the Midland Football League set-up five new partnerships – with Mark Harrod Goals, Wiseman Lighting, United Gas & Power and latterly with Hummel as teamwear partner.

These new partnerships have helped boost the league’s income. But more than that, all the supplier partners have provided the member clubs with added benefits as well.

Sponsorship opportunity

Going forward the next step is to find a main League Partner. With 105 member clubs across 7 divisions, the Sponsorship of the league could be a great fit for the right business. In addition many clubs have teams at all age groups and including girls and women’s teams proving even further reach for a potential sponsor. 

The League’s Chairman, Mike Joiner explains more:

‘The Midland Football League have been without a main partner since before  the pandemic and we are keen to find a new one.

‘We now have an impressive group of preferred suppliers and we move on to finding a new main partner.

‘We have a great set-up and through the clubs, and a large contingent of players and supporters. We can offer the right partner value for money.

‘Anyone interested in talking to the league about this opportunity can get in touch with John (Booth) and arrange to meet me and the rest of the board.’

If you are interested in talking to the Midland Football League call me, john Booth, on 077771916786

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