Football Trade Directory

9 simple steps from Mark Harrod to maintain your goals

Mark Harrod Ltd know that goal maintenance is essential to any successful sporting program. That's why their range of reliable and durable goals are designed to withstand the demands of intensive use without compromising performance.

Whether you're looking for an official regulation size or something a little more exclusive, a single goal or an integrated set, they have a wide selection of goals to choose from. They also provide a long-term maintenance service, so you can rest assured that your goals are kept in top condition for some time to come.

Here are some of Mark Harrod Ltds top tips on goal maintenance, essential in off-seasons and when preparing for a new season:

  1. Check for damage to the goal frame, any joints that may have opened up, or cracks in the structure
  2. Ensure all fixings are present, are not damaged and are tightened up
  3. Ensure your goal has sufficient anchorage, whether it is pegs, sandbags or counter-weights
  4. Make sure your nets are complete, and there are no breaks or holes where there shouldn't be
  5. Pack your net neatly into a net bag for storage when not in use - it's been known for nets to be nibbled in storage!
  6. Ensure folding mechanisms and fence-fixed systems are in full working order and are not loose
  7. Store your goals securely when not in use to protect them from the weather.
  8. Ensure that all moving parts, such as nets and hinges, are checked regularly for any signs of wear and tear
  9. Repair any damage as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration
  10. Have a great season!

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your goals remain in good condition for many years. The team at Mark Harrod Ltd is here to help you take the best possible care of your equipment so that you can focus on what's important – training and playing sports.

With their top-quality goals and expert maintenance advice, your team will be ready for success no matter what the season throws at you.

For further information, you can purchase their Goal Maintenance booklet here, which also shares steps for general maintenance of your football goals and ways to ensure a long lifespan.

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